PD Rants and Musings

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Collection of musings for the day

Something has to be done about healthcare costs. Heard this before? As a small business owner, I am in the unique position to feel the effect of every incremental change in costs that affect my business, and nowhere do I feel such an impact as in healthcare costs. I need to strike that fine balance between being competitive in offering health benefits to my few employees (so they don't walk) and being competitive in having reasonable administrative costs to keep my business profitable. That's why this is usually the solution.

Speaking of healthcare costs, the uninsured are certainly likely to become a resurgent issue in the 2004 presidential campaign. NPR had a good segment today on approaches to keeping this issue in the forefront of the campaign, pointing up that Al Gore was a bit reticent to make the full 43 million uninsured an issue in the 2000 campaign (given his boss' disastrous foray into healthcare reform), opting instead to only focus on the 9 million children who are uninsured. John Kerry has fortunately taken the view that you can't ignore the problem.

So 33 year old Shaq is going to Miami because he's only has one more year on his contract while Kobe Bryant is a free agent who will walk if Shaq is still with the Lakers. Opting for the lesser of two evils that already removes the Lakers as a serious competitor next year, the situation is not likely to get any better with Kobe's legal woes. Jay Leno had a great take: "Kobe Bryant was so happy that Shaq was traded, he went home and had sex with his own wife!"

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is angry with the Philippines bowing to the terrorist threat of beheading Filipino trucker Angelo de la Cruz unless the Philippines withdraw their troops from Iraq. It's so unfortunate that the public pressure by protestors at home that Philippines president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, withdraw the troops arose because we shouldn't be in Iraq in the first place (don't get me started), yet it is the exact wrong thing to do in the face of terrorist threats.



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