PD Rants and Musings

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Day 1

I recall a great Steven Wright line, "The other day I was re-reading my diary. 'Day One: Still tired from the move. Day Two: Everybody treats me like I'm an idiot!'"

Day one of the 'blog. Frankly, I don't care if I'm tired or if people treat me like an idiot. This is my space to rant and muse.

Just for reference, my business is at www.mediligence.com

So Saddam is now back in the hands of his subjects. Oh, how many thousands wish they could take the low road with him!

Unbelievable technology produced by incredibly gifted people is proving itself with the arrival of the Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, beginning four years of study through 76 orbits of the planet. This evening the probe will actually be passing through the rings. Can't wait for the photos. Make sure you get a chance to check out the European Space Agency site, especially for the time lapse of the probe's movements over the next four years. How the hell do they plot all these movements with such precision so many years in advance?? Mind-boggling.


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