PD Rants and Musings

Friday, August 20, 2004

Svetlana Anorexkina

Apparently, I am the only one who is repulsed not only by Svetlana Khorkina's arrogance but also by her anorexic-esque physique.

Pride goeth before the fall.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Sullen mood as the economy continues to flounder, despite Mr. Bush's assertion that it has "turned a corner", and as events in the world dampen enthusiasm for the future.

Speaking of President Pro Temp Bush, I had such a surge of pride that this man is in charge of our country:

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
- George Bush, August 5, 2004.
It's that diligence, that attention to detail that really encourages me that our country is being run competently.

The Democratic National Convention was held two weeks ago, and if I was a cautious about Kerry before then, I am not now. He is smart, inspires confidence, is credible and is far more likely to fully understand the complexities of a situation and respond with the big picture in mind than is Bush.

That's just my opinion. What's yours?

Hacking snapped and killed his wife when she discovered that he wasn't enrolled in med school and that, in essence, she had been married to a complete stranger. How did this guy get created? How can you not KNOW that your son has not actually graduated from college? Who was paying the damn tuition? This kind of event should not be a surprise to anyone. People see what they want to see. They deny what doesn't fit with their picture of how they want the world to be. This woman is dead, along with her unborn baby. What a total waste of human life.

And speaking of denial and a waste of human life, when are we going to take Sudan seriously and not only address the human tragedy there but also recognize that country's potential to foment terrorism and future bloodshed on our own soil? I fault the American politicians, to be sure, but I also fault the fat, lazy American public, who is more concerned with money, looks, and the foolhardy belief that we are the most powerful country in the world and can do what we damn well please without consequence. THAT is the kind of attitude that gets guys like Bush elected. Are we REALLY that stupid?